Thursday 22 December 2011

A Wicked Game.

'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows'

At the end of 2009 we all fell for the Guy Ritchie's imagining of probably the most famous fictional private Detective, created by of course the late Arthur Conan Doyle. So famous that in fact, that on the underground in London's Baker Street station, you can see the outline of the Holmes everywhere and he is donning what he is famous for, the deerstalker hat and a pipe, in Ritchie's film you just get the pipe, no hat, thankfully. You got a fun, cool and sharply written and directed film, which showed the great on screen chemistry of Robert Downey, Jr and Jude Law.  It was a hit, so it was logical to have another visit.

Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr) is on the hunt to find out about about some seemingly unrelated murders, in which he suspects the great Professor Robert Moriarty (Jared Harris) is connected to. When the professor realizes that Holmes is on the scent of Moriarty's wrong doings he summons Holmes to say dare you take me on? Holmes fearless takes up the challenge. He teams up with his old friend Dr. John Watson (Jude Law) again, after Watson and his new wife are nearly killed by some of Moriarty's henchmen on the train on there honeymoon. We follow them both to unravel on what the evil Moriarty's plans are, and how Sherlock has met his match physically and mentally.

This is basically more of the same thing as the first film, but still very brilliant, and very funny as well. Downey' Jr is a funny man, and can deliver a comedy performance with some of the best comedy actors out there. He is a very game actor, with some of the disguises he is put in. Jude Law serves as the friend, who whatever Holmes throws in his path, he sticks by him through thick and thin. Jared Harris, who is Holmes Arch enemy Moriarty, a very serious man, who is a perfect match for Holmes wit and skills. I want to see a lot more of his acting in the future

Guy Ritchie has done it again here, with his wonderful vision of a smoked filled dark and dirty London, which looks very cool. The only thing, which I would say though is the over usage of the slow-motion fight scenes, which used more then a couple of times. Still doesn't deter the fact that he has made a sound sequel, which stands up and gives you a one, two jab of pure entertainment.

Oh yeah, watch out for Stephan Fry as Sherlock's brother Mycroft in one scene which made the famous actor,writer, film maker and Twitterer, blush a bit when he filmed it. Incredibly funny.

Bored on the Christmas the season or got noisy, moaning teenagers? Take them to see this, and let it excite you for a couple of hours. Can We have another please Sir Guy? Wicked Stuff.

4 out of 5      

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