Friday 13 January 2012

I'd Put Some Money On That Horse.

'War Horse'

Written by Michael Morpurgo the book was released in 1982, then in 2007 it was adapted into a play, which has life size puppets of horses, it has done very well. Now the man that is Steven Spielberg, decided to take on the task of creating a movie adaption. Is this a return to form for the great man? A lot of attention has been put on this film, because it center's around a very familiar subject, and affects a lot of people, War.

Albert Narracott (Jeremy Irvine) is set the task of raising a young Horse called Joey, to work on the farm where his Father, Ted (Peter Mullan) and Mother Rose (Emily Watson) grow produce. After some financial problems Joey is sold to Captain Nicholls (Tom Hiddleston) just as World War One breaks out. Joey, the Horse travels around war torn Europe, and encounters people from The German military and British military.

Well this is Spielberg's best movie since 'Saving Private Ryan'. He seems to be back on familiar ground of good old fashioned epic film making. He has the power of getting some emotion out of his viewer, with over powerfully sentimentality. But it works very well, not making it too much mushy stuff. Some absolutely beautiful shots of cinematography here, with the brilliant war scenes, especially when Joey is running through no mans land.

It boasts a very Stella cast of good talent young and old. Notably Emily Watson and Tom Hiddleston are both outstanding, but who I found made this movie something really quite good was Niels Arestrup and young Jeremy Irvine, who takes on his first big role in a massive film. One to watch in the future.

This is a great film to take the family to. Do it, and don't be afraid to shed a bit of a tear, and get engrossed in this War/Drama epic.

4.5 out of 5           

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