Thursday 7 June 2012

Space Quest(ions)


Finally, It is here, Ridley Scott's return to the Sci-fi genre, where he made his name, with classics such as 'Alien' and 'Blade Runner'. 30 years later, a well overdue return with a film that explores, which has been described as the DNA of 'Alien'. So we can basically call it a prequel. Excited yet? Well, if not keep reading.

Dr. Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and crew uncover clues on Earth, in form of ancient tablets, that hopefully would lead them to find out the biggest question of all, how mankind was created? Unfortunately they find more then they bargain for.

When the opening scenes of beautiful landscape, I knew this was going to be one of the most stylish movies I have ever seen. I wasn't disappointed. Ridley has never let anyone down on creating brilliant visuals. With a wonderful score to accompany. A feast for eyes and ears.

Micheal Fassbender as the android David is superb, and really does make this film his. Surly one of the best actors around at the moment. Decent performances from Idris Elba and Charlize Theron are also noted.
The story, I found is actually quite interesting and kept my attention, but proposes more questions then answers, but I think Sir Ridley wanted to do that.

It seemed maybe a little bit too tame, where as it could have unleashed more suspense moments, and that is coming from someone who is not a fan of horror/suspense movies. Generally it felt like it held back a bit to appeal to a wider audience. The script could have also had a little bit more attention on.

The lead Noomi Rapace's performance was not the best I've seen, gave the character the most annoying presence in the film. Also seeing Guy Pearce as an old man, just doesn't really work and not convincing.

This is a great achievement by a director who quite plainly is one of the most visionary men is cinema of all time. This could very well split the audience, but it is worth well seeing for the visuals and performance of Fassbender. But just comes short of being one of the great.  A great film up for debate with your friends. Go see it.

3.5 out of 5

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

Very great to look at and features a spot-on direction from Scott, but it seems like there was too many missed opportunities for this flick to be great. Instead, it just went for ok and that’s what bummed me out. Still, can’t say I didn’t enjoy myself. Nice review Ross.