Wednesday 5 October 2011

Enemy of the Red State

'Red State'

Kevin Smith is well known for doing comedy movies with added slacker mentality, but he has never really hit the mainstream, as his films has not appealed to the mass public, but having said that Smith has always carried a hardcore following, who has stuck behind him from the beginning, and even through the awful 'Cop Out', which was Smith's first film which he hadn't written himself. It's no secret that Smith has a distaste for critics, and seems to take a lot of what they say to heart, he's only human I suppose.
Smith has taken a big risk with 'Red State', he first presented the idea along with 'Zak and Miri make a porno' to Harvey Weinstein, and of course Harvey went for the comedy option instead of a Horror/Thriller movie about a cult of Hardcore killing
Christians! So Smith decided to go it alone an
d fund this movie by himself, the risk has already payed off as Kev is the king of self promotion and this has opened to cinemas worldwide.

Three teenage friends go in search of online sex, and make there way to a trailer one evening, only to be drugged via drinking beer by the wonderful Melissa Leo, and be to captured by religious fundamentalists. The boys are taken to a church lead by the Abin Cooper (Micheal Parks), which has a lot of very warped views and they practice in there view of doing gods work by ridding of these kids who was wanting to do "the devils business". The churches favourite form of killing is too crucify the victims and wrap them cling film and shoot them. But of course not everything goes to plan for the church and things go sour when a couple of the teenage kids escape, and a passing cop suspects foul play in the church. This leads Joseph Keenan a special agent played by the always brilliant John Goodman to be called in with his team to investigate the church.

I've heard Kevin Smith refer this to a horror quite a bit, I have to disagree as this I feel is more of a Thriller. I didn't enjoy this very much as it was a bit of a difficult viewing. Very interesting none the less though. The positives can in some of the performances, especially Micheal Parks who plays a very complex-ed character. Goodman is always a reliable actor who can play anything he puts his hand too.

My problems with his film is that the story may sometimes not be up to scratch, I've never been a fan of this kind of movie though. Some may criticize that Smith's writing, can be over done with dialogue instead of actual action, where as you would expect that this can have more crash, bang or wallop used in this. But this is a missed opportunity. There is no doubt that smith is a brilliant writer and can get emotions going though.

This was a risky move doing this, as Smith is a comedy person, who makes comedy movies. But you can admire the move he has made to at least try something different, also such a sensitive subject to focus on. This isn't great my any means and have some flaws to it. I would say wait until it's out on DVD to rent, instead of seeing it in the cinema.

2.5 out of 5

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