Friday 25 January 2013

Blazing Bloody Saddles

'Django Unchained'

Every few years Quentin Tarantino releases a movie, and it always becomes a big event, because nobody quite does it like he does. His unique way of writing and directing has made him some ways the middle finger to the conventional way of making a film. A man who is always keen try his hand at different genres of movie, takes on the Western, but only in the extreme kind of way, only he knows how to.

Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) is a dentist turned bounty hunter, buys the freedom of slave Django (Jamie Foxx) in exchange for the help of hunting down three brothers who the good Doctor is trying to track, that only Django knows what they look like. Realizing Django has a knack for the killing business, Schultz trains him as an apprentice, and agrees to track down his wife, that leads them  to the evil plantation owner Calvin Candie (Leonardo Dicaprio).

Sometimes when you see a film you can tell straight away who's work it is, and this is truly a trademark Tatantino creation. Wonderful dialogue, bringing the best out of his actors. Character building is so key, in creating a great movie, and he does it so well in this.

It can be said that the man who steals the show, is again Christoph Waltz, who's just full of charm, and just does it with ease quite frankly. Surly a another best supporting actor Oscar on it's way. Young Leo is fantastic, and full of sheer evil, as the ruthless plantation owner. I tip my cowboy hat to a simply so funny as an older man.

It is quite long, which is justified, for a well written complexed story. There is enough to keep you up straight in the sometime uncomfortable cinema seats.

Well I'm going to be bold and say this in my view is on par of brilliance of Pulp Fiction. It comes up and slaps you in the face, and makes you take notice. So go and enjoy this as I did.


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