Sunday 31 March 2013

Look Into The Eyes, Not Around The Eyes...


2012 was certainly Danny Boyle's year, but not for directing a film, he was put in charge of artistic direction of the London Olympic opening ceremony, and to great fanfare it was heralded as a monstrous success. He captured the essence of Britain in a traditional form, and a modern day Mobile phone, Tweet obsessed Britain. In between doing this Boyle had been deeply involved in his next movie, all filmed on location in London. One would think, could he have too much on his plate?

Art Auctioneer Simon (James McAvoy) is an inside man part of a heist of a priceless piece of Art, but when everything seems to go to plan, the painting seems to be lost, and Simon from a large blow to the head, can't remember. He seeks a hypnotherapist's help to help him and his criminal partners find it.

I quite frankly enjoyed this film, it's quite a mind twister sometimes, which leaves you thinking, are you in Simon's dreams or is this reality? But nevertheless it's a very well thought out story, also when you add Boyle's direction it can only be a winner. It's all about exploration of the mind, of it's weaknesses, which is quite an interesting subject. It certainly pack's a punch, that includes some quite violent scenes, with added bit of gore. Don't let it put you off, because it seems quite minimal.

The three main players James McAvoy, Vincent Cassell and Rosario Dawson all deliver good performances. All gel very well together. But easily Dawson is the standout as Elizabeth, she is such an underrated actress.

The soundtrack which is mostly composed by a Boyle favorite, one half of the Dance duo Underworld, and it gives it that typical feel to a Boyle movie. Sets the mood of the film is quite a brilliant way.

It feels like after all the Olympic official stuff, Danny is finally letting his hair down, so to speak. In his way making a nitty gritty heist mystery film, because that is essentially what it is. If you see a case for more money to be invested into British cinema, I would argue with this.


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